Vision Therapy Exercises

Vision Therapy Exercises in San Joaquin County

Improve Your Visual Skills with Vision Therapy

Vision therapy is an individualized therapeutic program to improve visual skills conducted under the guidance of an optometrist. It uses a number of tools and techniques, including eye exercises. Vision therapy can be used to achieve more focused vision, strengthen eye muscles, improve eye tracking, and to develop stronger visual-motor and perceptual-cognitive skills. This non-invasive and drug-free treatment program is recommended for those who have issues with their vision or another condition which affects their eyesight.


Who Benefits From Vision Therapy Exercises

Vision therapy exercises can help with eye strain and improve sports performance, but it can also be used to treat a number of eye and cognitive conditions. Some of the issues that see improvement after vision therapy include:

  • Strabismus (cross-eye, wandering eye)
  • Amblyopia (lazy eye)
  • Dyslexia
  • Eye Tracking Problems
  • Depth Perception Issues
  • Convergence Insufficiency (CI)
  • Diplopia (Double Vision)
  • Special Needs (Autism, ADD/ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Developmental Delays, Learning Disabilities)
  • Visual Rehabilitation After Trauma (Concussion, Brain Injury, Whiplash, Stroke)
  • Neurological Ailments (Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy)


Vision Therapy at Midtown Optometry

Unfortunately, few doctors test patients to see if they are a good candidate for vision therapy, so many patients never realize that their vision condition is treatable. Fortunately, Midtown Optometry has vision therapy specialists right here in Stockton. We offer individually designed vision therapy programs for adults and children, using the tools and techniques best suited to your particular issue. Some of these tools and techniques include:


Prisms are usually prescribed for those that have double vision or issues with binocular vision. They help improve the communication between the eye and the brain, in order to increase the accuracy of visual processing.

Electronic Targets Paired with Timing Mechanisms

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Automated timed targets help the optometrist see how the eyes are tracking, as well as strengthen the eye muscles.

Therapeutic Lenses

​​​​​​​Unlike traditional eyeglasses, which correct blurry vision, therapeutic lenses help improve depth perception, eye alignment, spatial localization, and motor skills. They are especially useful after a head injury or for those with strabismus.

Balance Boards

Standing on a balance board improves balance and coordination. Learning to balance the body helps balance the eyes, as eye coordination is dependent on the brain’s ability to balance the rest of the body.


Patches are used to improve binocular vision or when one eye is stronger than the other. A patch with a red-tinted lens is put over the stronger eye in order to strengthen the weaker one.

Eye Movement Exercises

Various eye movement exercises can help strengthen the eye muscles and improve focus, peripheral vision, eye tracking, depth perception, and hand-eye coordination.

Vision Therapy at Midtown Optometry

While a full vision therapy program should only be conducted under the guidance of an experienced vision therapist, there are a number of eye movement exercises that are safe to do at home to help improve your visual skills.

Directional Exercises

Eye movement exercises help improve focus and eye tracking, as well as stimulate the visual centers of the brain. Choose different objects to focus on and practice moving your eyes up and down, side to side, and in a circular pattern.

Near and Distance

Shifting your focus between an item close to you and one that is far away can help your eyes learn to focus more efficiently at varying distances.

Figure Eight
Tracing an invisible figure eight pattern with your eyes helps strengthen the eye muscles and improves eye tracking.

Contact Midtown Optometry Today

​​​​​​​If you’re premier optometry services in San Joaquin County, CA, you’ve come to the right place. Midtown Optometry has served the eye care needs of the local area for more than a decade. We provide compassionate and personalized eye care in a comfortable, welcoming environment. Whether you need vision therapy or contact lenses, we can help.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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